CodeIgniter Google Map Library And HTML5 Geolocation

CodeIgniter Google Map Library And HTML5 Geolocation

I was asked in this forum topic,, for recommendations on integration the HTML 5 geolocation functionality with this Google Maps API Library for CI. I have posted a response to that thread, but I guess I'll repeat myself here too...

There isn't actually much I can add to the library itself but to do it you need to add the following javascript to your html page. I use jQuery so in jQuery I would do the following...


function get_location() {
    if (Modernizr.geolocation) {
    } else {
        // no native support; maybe try Gears?

function register_coords(position) {
    var latitude = position.coords.latitude;
    var longitude = position.coords.longitude;

    // use jquery or your own preference to send the values to CI
    $.post('', { latitude:latitude, longitude:longitude }, function(){
        // some optional callback

The savecoords controller would then look like the following...

$latitude = $this->input->post('latitude');
$longitude = $this->input->post('longitude');


// valid types are hybrid, satellite, terrain, map

//Set Mobile Parameters
$this->gmap->mobile = true;
$this->gmap->width = "100%";
$this->gmap->height = "100%";



$data['headerjs'] = $this->gmap->getHeaderJS();
$data['headermap'] = $this->gmap->getMapJS();
$data['onload'] = $this->gmap->printOnLoad();
$data['map'] = $this->gmap->printMap();


I hope this helps you in some small way.

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About Me

Garry Welding Tried my hand at the start-up scene with 650hours and I'm a maintainer of a few of my own open-source projects. For now I'm now taking it easy working a cushy employee lifestyle with Mamas & Papas, one of the largest children's retailers in the UK.